
Monday, May 9, 2011

The New Cockatiel in Your Home

Well now you've done it. You visited the neighborhood pet store one too many times and that beautiful cocktail near the front of the store has given you the eye and stolen your heart. (Why do they put these charming birds so near the entrance where it is impossible to miss them?) Before you realized it the credit card came out, a few words were spoken between you and the store owner, your budget was suddenly busted and lo and behold the bird now belongs to you.
This new member of the family will bring some changes to your home. Some will be obvious while others will surprise you. Your experience with the new bird will be much more satisfying if you make yourself aware of what you should expect and be prepared. Hopefully you only bought one to start with. Bringing two birds in at once may be more than you can handle if you are a novice bird keeper. Adding more than one bird at a time could also place lots of anxiety on the birds.
You will find it much easier to establish a bond with your new bird if it is the only one in your home at this time. Your bird will of course be unsettled by it's new surroundings and it could take several weeks to adjust. The first thing you may notice is that your new bird demands lots of attention. This surprises many new bird owners who are used to dealing with other types of pets who do very well on their own.
If you allow your cockatiel freedom outside it's cage do not be surprised to find him following you about the house as you attend to your chores. You may find him suddenly alighting on your shoulder and of course like any pet he will always be open to accepting treats.
All of this friendly and more often than not welcome attention from your bird may sometimes be diminished as you struggle with the messy cleanup which is always part of cockatiel ownership. There are no litter boxes for these birds. They tend to do their business wherever and whenever it suits them. It will also be necessary for the family to adjust to some new noises throughout the home. This may be unwelcome during times that the home is normally quiet. The birds do not come with on and off switches.
However the companionship that you will feel as the bird alights on your shoulder as you sit quietly reading will most times override your discomfort at the new chores and other changes your new pet will bring to your home. Most cocktail owners feel they are repaid many times over by the charm and beauty of these intelligent and friendly creatures.

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