
Monday, May 9, 2011

Goffin Cockatoos As Pet Parrots

Goffin cockatoos are quite small which makes them ideal for someone who wants a cockatoo but doesn't have the room for something the size of a Moluccan or Umbrella cockatoo. They are only about 12 inches in length and only slightly heavier than the cockatiel birds.
Their overall length is only 12 inches and some will say that they are the smallest cockatoo, but the cockatiel birds are actually smaller in body size, however their tail feathers give them a longer overall length. Goffin cockatoos are white with yellow under the tail, wing and ear coverlet feathers. They have pink feathers between the beak and the eyes and under their crests. Their crest which they raise when they are excited or frightened isn't as large in proportion to their body size as it is in the other cockatoos.
Don't let their small size fool you into thinking they can't be noisy. Although they aren't as loud as the larger cockatoos they do scream, especially in the morning and evening. The Goffins are very active parrots and require a constant supply of new toys as well as lots of attention to keep them occupied. Being as active as they are, they need a lot of room to move around and to play. The cage you get should be bigger than what is normal for this small a parrot.
Cockatoos in general are not known to be the best talkers, but some Goffins do develop an extensive vocabulary. They are great at solving puzzles and if you aren't careful to get a cage that has a locking door they will soon figure out how to open it and escape. If you have the time to spend socializing and training it a Goffin cockatoo is a playful, affectionate and loyal pet parrot.

1 comment:

  1. The goffin cockatoo is a very popular species of cockatoo that is indigenously found in multiple areas of the world, including parts of South East Asia, and Indonesia.. It is unique variety of the cockatoo that many pet owners love and bird watchers admire.
