
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Feed Your Cockatiel Properly

ockatiels like many other exotic pets will need special treatment in many area including their feeding habits. Unlike the normal house pet like a dog or a cat, it would not do to just feed an exotic bird table scraps or any prepared bird food. To properly care for your bird and insure it's health some research is necessary.

It goes without saying that cockatiel should be served in suspended containers or bowls. Placing these food containers on the floor is an invitation to disease. If you have a larger or very active bird be sure to use bowls that are large enough to keep the bird from overturning them.

Your cockatiel's diet much the same as any other animal needs to include some basic nutrients. Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Protein can be delivered through the use of commercially available high-protein concentrated food. Green foods such as lettuce, endive, curly kale, parsley, brussel sprouts, spinach, celery, cabbage heart, cucumber turnip greens and many other vegetables. Be sure to wash these items thoroughly to remove and contaminants.All of these foods are easily obtained in any good produce department.

Carbohydrates can be given through the use of grains such as corn and whole oats. Use caution here and do not overfeed these items as too much carbohydrate from these sources can harm your bird especially it's plumage.

The birds needed fats can be obtained through commercially produced bird seed. Canary grass, millet, milo and oats are a few. Just as with the human diet too much fat can be harmful so as with any diet be sure to monitor your bird to watch for any signs of overweight.

Vitamins for your bird will need the most research. Birds as humans can not survive without vitamins. It does not require anymore than a small amount of each vitamin to insure healthy birds but a lack of any one can cause major problems. Your research should show that foods such as fresh greens, milk, and egg yolk will supply many of the needed vitamins. Make sure to only feed fresh greens because they lose their nutritional value quickly as they wilt. The discussion of vitamins is a complex subject and will require a lot of investigation for the careful bird owner.

Minerals should be a part of any diet. The common minerals are phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, sulphur, iodine and manganese. Phosphorus is easily acquired by your cockatiel in the green food and any bran which is is fed. Calcium can be given through cuttlebone, finely ground egg shells and powered limestone. Cuttlebone is easily fed by simply supporting it in the cage above any area where it might become contaminated by bird droppings. Many of the seeds such as wheat and nuts, you normally feed your bird will contain magnesium.

As you can see your birds diet much as your own is a complex and serious study of what is needed, how much is needed and from what sources these nutrients can be obtained. However several hours of research will put your mind at ease and show you that properly feeding your cockatiel is not as difficult as first it appears.

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