
Monday, May 9, 2011

Cockatiel Tricks - 6 Things You Need To Do To Get Your Parrot To Wave in Less Than 3 Days

Teaching your little feathered friend to do cockatiel tricks is 1 of the most rewarding things you could do. Not only is it hilarious for you to watch, it also build a very strong bond between you and your parrot.
Most parrots are very shy when they are young, or when they are unfamiliar with you. So it may take a while for him to warm to you. If this is the case you must try to be a little patient with him.
You will need to spend quality time talking to him, and rewarding him with his favorite food. Taking such action will start the trust between both of you.
Building a strong bond with your parrot allows him to build a trust with you, when you get his trust it will be a lot easier to teach him tricks. Anyone can teach a dog to sit, stay and come on command, but how many people do you know have a parrot that waves, rolls over and comes when you call him?
Believe it or not cockatiel tricks are extremely easy to teach, most of the basic cockatiel tricks can be taught with-in 72 hours.
Think how funny it will be when your friends witness your parrot waving, or doing simple card tricks. Card tricks are 1 of our specialties and any type of parrot can learn them.
Teaching your parrot to wave is as easy as 6 things.
  • Make time - Make a specific time every day,15 minutes is all you will need.
  • Decide On A command - Pick a particular command you want to use such as,wave or just use a clicker.
  • Take action - Get him to step on your finger and then removing your finger before he gets on.
  • Have patience - Be Patient with him and keep going over the trick till he gets it
  • Give praise - Make sure you praise him every time he gets it right,and try to make a big deal out of it.
  • Give rewards - Reward him with his favorite food when he gets the trick right.
  • Keep Repeating - repeat the same actions over, and over till he knows the trick really well.
So would you like a performing parrot?

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