
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Cockatiel Training Secret Techniques For Best Results

A cockatiel training that you might want to learn first is training your pet to speak. It is undeniable that cockatiels, as compared to the bigger parrot species, have a lower voice and have a speech that is not as clear as the mynahs or the parrots, but can be comprehensible. When training your bird in speech, always start with short words. Taking baby steps will take you somewhere bigger. Try words like "baba", "hello" or 'hi" or any similar word. Just be sure that you do not train your pet to say a new word if he has not mastered the first word yet. Patience and perseverance is what you'll need in training your pet to speak.
Shoulder riding is another cockatiel training that you can train your pet on. The benefits that you will get from this training are going to be very rewarding for you and your pet. Although there are some cockatiels that would immediately climb on your arms and go to your arms at the beginning, there will be those who will not. What you'll need to do is have them sit on your shoulder for a short time once in a while just until they get used to being there and be familiar with your movements. When training is attained, things will be much easier for you and your pet. You will be able to do things with your hands and your pet can enjoy being out of its cage and spend time with its owner- you.
When you do this, just be careful of your accessories and jewelry as it can be harmful to your birds as well. There can be some chemical stuff in your accessories that may hurt your bird. To avoid this, remove all accessories and jewelry when shoulder riding your bird just to be safe.
Also, remember that cockatiels are light and may be forgotten about when on your shoulder. Always check your shoulder to see if your bird is there or not. Cockatiels also have a tendency of being very quiet which makes them more forgettable when on your shoulder which can be harmful for them especially when you are in your kitchen.

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